Our services
We dispense all medicines authorised in Spain. We've a large stock, but if we don't have the product you want, our suppliers can bring it for the next day, including on national holiday.
We have the knowledge and the tools to give advise about the...
"Formula Master"
We make up in our laboratory the most simple prescription drugs.
We can send more complicated ones to be made up by other partners. The service is very fast (no more than three working days).
Dermopharmacy and Cosmetics
We have the most up to date informations in cosmetics available.
Some companies regularly send qualified beutitians, who see customers on a personal bases by appointment. For example, brands like SENSILIS, Be+, or SERUM7
We are clients of some of the most important homeopathic laboratories in Spain, that can provide within 24h whatever products isn't in stock.
At the same time, we are able to recomend simple homeopathic treatments to minor symptoms, and advice about...